Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Lauren MacGray

Hockey vs. Soccer

            Being an active player of the game of soccer, I love both watching and playing the game. The suspense and fast pace sport is deceiving to most, but I understand the game through and through. A question raised in my mind however, and it is what do people like more hockey or soccer? Being around people that like both sports I have been inclined to having my own opinion, but I wanted to know other person's perspectives as well. I asked "what sport do you like to watch on television and in person, soccer or hockey? Why?"

            I interviewed a variety of people, and get different responses. I first interviewed Nicole, and she had a very strong opinion. She stated, "I like to watch soccer in person, and hockey on television. Hockey is way too loud in person, and confusing. Although, on T.V. it all makes sense." I personally agree with the loud aspect of hockey. The fans are very enthusiastic and believe in yelling for the team will create some sort of advantage. I also agree with watching soccer in person because watching a teams chemistry and awareness towards the game is a thing of beauty. I believe a lot of people feel the same way that Nicole does because hockey is very fun to watch on T.V. with a group of people. Being able to watch the Bruins in the comfort of your own home is a very nice thing to do. The intensity of being at a soccer game is definitely the reason why I agree with Nicole, and think watching it in person is entertaining.

            My last interview was Keenan, and he had a lot to say about hockey. He said, "I like to watch hockey in person, and also watching it on T.V. It is an intense game that no one could hate." I think the masculinity of the sport is more appropriate to being a male dominated one. The checking and hitting of players tend to make more American guys excited apposed to soccer. He agreed with me when I said soccer is the most popular sport in the world, but he said he just has never been a big fan. Asking a large group of people, I concurred that 75% of the surveyors said they'd prefer hockey on T.V, and 25% said they liked soccer on T.V. For in person, it was around 50/50 in results for both sports. In using my data I collected that more people like hockey to watch on T.V., and that half like to watch hockey in person, and the other half like to watch soccer in person.

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